Mohammed is a seven year-old boy. He escaped from the war in Syria and came to Turkey along with his family. The family is presently living in Batman.
Mohammed faced two giant struggles throughout his seven year lifetime. One struggle leaved him no choice but to escape from the war in his motherland, his country, where he was born. The other one made him physically look much older even though he is only seven years old. Cutis Laxa! Cutis Laxa is a congenital connective tissue disorder in which the skin becomes inelastic and hangs loosely in folds. Researches concerning the treatment of such disease are in progress. Nevertheless what is important at this point is to make a difference!
It is crucial to raise awareness to this disease and to all children who were born with it. Thus, photograph artist Elif Koyutürk started pursuing ways to make a difference in Mohammed’s life as of the moment she came across his story. As a photographer, the best way to affect Mohammed was to take his photographs. Therefore Elif planned a scene; we met Mohammed for a photo-shoot and we accomplished a splendid one!
These photographs will be exhibited in Elif Koyutürk’s exhibition titled “Eternity of the Nature and Soul” in Culture Office of Consulate General of Austria as of 27th April 2017. These portraits will be contributed to the people who make a difference in Mohammed’s life by donating the found established to support him.
A tiny glitter in a child’s eyes is foremost precious to all of us! Follow our project to learn more about Cutis Laxa disease and to enter the world of these children.